My name is Amber Bingham. I am the owner, founder, and maker at Bingham Bliss. I specialize in handmade, high-quality baby clothes, blankets, and accessories. Every one of my items is made with love and is meant to be reflective of my passion for trying to make the lives of kids and parents happier with everything I make. I want to make sure that everything I sell is also something I'd be proud to give my own kids.
Speaking of kids, I am a mother of four amazing children. They are my inspiration and the reason that I decided to pursue this as more then just a hobby. My two oldest are Taylor, 16, and Rylea, 14. After I had them, I decided to start my own business as a cosmetologist. I successfully built that business over a few years, but when I got pregnant with my third (Cameron, now almost 6) I decided to close my cosmetology business and stay home with Cam. Like many stay at home moms, I was very fulfilled by being a mom but I also lacked the outlet that allowed me to be my best self. So, I started sewing as a hobby while Cam napped. Then, I gave birth to my fourth, Andrew (now almost 4), and my purpose was discovered.
We found out shortly before Andrew turned one that he has a rare genetic disorder that has many different outcomes, including developmental delays and tumors. I realized that my passion to make quality baby items and my passion to help my son could make a difference. So I began focusing on growing my business to bring awareness to this condition. I pour every bit of passion I have into making each and every item I send out. I hope you see and feel that when you receive your order.
Thank you for supporting my business. I hope you get as much joy out of using your purchase as I did out of making it!
The Brand
Bingham Bliss
The meaning of bliss comes from the actual definition, "perfect happiness and great joy". After becoming a wife and a mother, my life feels like a touch of pure bliss most days- and I wanted to create products that could bring each of you a piece of that happiness as well.